On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 01:17:22 -0400
Greg Bur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I use Eye of Gnome most of the time but I also like gThumb and earlier
> tonight I found an interesting app called Pornview which seems very
> full featured.  All three of these apps integrate well with Gnome
> although I'm not sure if Pornview is in portage as I installed it on a
> Ubuntu system.

For most viewing, I use ee (Electric Eyes) and rox.  As to pornview, it works
ok, and is in portage, but it doesn't end well.  I usually have to xkill it as 
it won't

For photo albums, digikam is a bit easier and more integrated than ee or gqview,
from my experience.

But, just do an esearch -Sc view to see a boat load of image viewers, most are
relevant, not all.

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