On 6/2/05, askar ... <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/2/05, Rafael Dantas de Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You actually switched the files of the PC's. The "--listen " arg
> > should have the IP of the LOCAL PC, the one you'll listen IN, not the
> > one you'll listen FROM. That's why you get the errors, you're trying
> > to bind to an IP that's not the IP fo the local machine. Switch the
> > files and it should work.
> Thanks. I changed as you told.
> But how about my /etc/distcc/hosts file? Is it ok?
It's similar to mine, except I didn't put localhost in... don't know
if that's a problem

> > On a side note, I'd increase the "-j2" MAKEOPTS, to something like 5.
> > If I'm not mistaken, that's what I use at home, on a similar config,
> > based on what the HOWTO advised...
> For N in -jN, in guide written:
> (Set N to a suitable number for your particular setup)
> (A common heuristic strategy is twice the number of total CPUs + 1)
> Is this concerning on 1 PC? If so, I have 1 cpu and N = 2* (1+1)=4, not 5...

What I understood was: 
         (Twice Total Number of CPUs) + 1 (all PC's involved)

which would round up to:

         (2 * 2) + 1 = 5

but I could be wrong.

> And one more thing:
> After I changed /etc/conf.d/distccd file, I did:
> #/etc/init.d/distcc start I receive a error:
> * Stopping distccd...
>                                       [ ok ]
>  * Starting distccd...
>                                         [ ok ]
> distccd[17461] (dcc_setup_real_log) ERROR: failed to open --allow:
> Permission denied

I don't really know what could cause that... nothing on the distcc docs?

> askar
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Rafael Dantas de Castro
Engenharia de Computação 2001 - Unicamp
 - Laboratório de Criptografia Aplicada

"Se procurar bem você acaba encontrando.
 Não a explicação (duvidosa) da vida,
 Mas a poesia (inexplicável) da vida."
       Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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