* On Thu Jun-02-2005 at 07:49:13 AM -0700, maxim wexler said:
> > cheaper to buy online.
> I've had good results w/ tigerdirect.ca. 

Yes this is where I normally shop. However, they have a limited
selection of higher-end hardware. No Tyan motherboards and only 2
choices for DDR400 ECC Reg memory. It's a shame since I do like the
store and their service. Thanks though. :)

Also, compare their WD Raptor 36G at $175 to canadacomputers.com's
$150 ... perhaps I'll shop around a bit more for future purchases. One
thing I've found is that stores have wildly differing prices sometimes.
Another example, Tyan K8W at canadacomputer.com is $650 while at monarch
it is $525. I'm waiting to hear back from monarch to see how much
shipping is. And yes, these prices are all in CDN$.

Sami Samhuri

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