On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 20:16 -0300, Claudinei Matos wrote: > Hey guys, > > I have a list at mailman with all my clients. I've specified that all > posts to the list are moderated. > That works fine but I always have to approve the messages by admin interface. > The situation is that I have a address that I want to trust to post to > the list without moderation but I can't just allow that email 'cause > anyone that post using this email address and so send whatever he want > to my list. > I'm wondering if is there a way to create some really trusted process > like verifing the email and even the IP of the sender. Could this be > possible? > Other possibility I think is to create a shell script that verify the > post and send it automatically by verifiying some "string" at the > message code. > > Well, I give a try to understand the mailman process but I didn't > found a way to implement the possible "shell script" solution, so I > really don't know how to solve my problem. > > Did someone implemented such a thing? > > Tks in advice, > > Claudinei Matos >
While we're on the subject I was wondering this: I am a moderator for several Yahoo groups. When a membership/moderation request comes in if I want to approve it I just have to reply to the email, and if I wish to reject the request I forward it to another address. Is there a way to do this with mailman? -Michael Sullivan- -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list