* On Mon May-23-2005 at 12:08:18 AM +0600, askar ... said: [...] > apt-get-like comfortable tools? That was my second question. What you > recommend for those, who would like to learn linux from fundamentals? > In order to do so, I think, learner has to do everything manually. I > haven't installed LFS distro before, so I don't know is it like > Slackware or not, but as the name says, this is "linux from sratch", > like gentoo...
LFS is quite different from Gentoo. LFS provides documentation that instructs you how to build your system from scratch. Compared to other distros, Gentoo requires you to do most of the installation "manually", but still provides you with tools like bootstrap.sh which do a lot of the work for you. LFS does not provide tools like this, but instead instructions of how to do this yourself. If you think of a linux system as a car, then Fedora, SuSE and those distros are like buying a car. You can choose some options but it is already built for you. Gentoo is a car you build yourself, but some of it is done for you. You get the engine and the frame and everything else and then put it all together. LFS is a just a box of tools, and you must build the engine, frame, and each other part yourself. When I was new to linux I first installed Slackware because I heard it was good. I enjoyed using it, it is a good distro. I also tried to install LFS because I wanted to learn, but that was a bit overwhelming and when I ran into problems I didn't know where I went wrong since I was just following instructions. Like you, I installed almost any distro I could find to see how which one felt comfortable for me. Gentoo happened to be that one. I would not recommend LFS as a starting point to get to know the internals of a linux system. Get to know Gentoo (or Slackware, or whatever) well first and understand how that works. Then when you have an understanding of what all the core software on you system is (fex. packages in 'emerge -ep system') I'd say go for an LFS install. Then again, everyone is different and maybe you're more clever than I am and LFS will be easy... I guess the only way to find out is to try it. -- Sami Samhuri
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