I had a similar problem w/ dialup. The errors were

[ppp] remote message: Authentication failure
[ppp] PAP Authentication failed
[ppp] Connection terminated

Don't know if this will work for you. I found that for
the few moments that I connected a couple of ip
addresses were put into one of my logs. Away from my
gentoo unit right now and can't recall which one.
These I copied into /etc/resolve(?), guessing here, as
the primary and secondary DNS numbers. Then when I
entered pon MyISP in a console the connection held!


--- "John J. Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good evening,
> Having only dialup at home forced me to bring my
> machine to work for a
> new installation. That all worked fine over a few
> days. My problem now
> is that I'm unable to get dialup to connect
> properly. I have only ever
> done this before through KDE. I get connected,
> exchange login and
> password info, and then the PPPD daemon dies
> instantly with a status of
> 16. I'm not really sure which direction to take with
> this. Is it PPP
> related? PAM related? I'm a member of the dialout
> group. Am I missing
> something really obvious? What all configuration
> files need to be
> modified, and how, to get dialup working properly?
> Thanks,
> John
> -- 
> It is not unusual for those at the wrong end of the
> club to have a
> clearer picture of reality than those who wield it.
>  Noam Chomsky
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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