On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 11:36 -0400, Jose Angel Rodriguez Leyva wrote:
> Hi,
> Sometimes I need to apply my own patches for a specific package but
> still using portage advantages, so I have to change package ebuild for
> that. So everytime I'm going to emerge any of those after an emerge
> sync, I have to change it again by hand.
> I'm wondering if there is some better way for do that. My current
> solution is to advice myself I have to include my own patches in
> /etc/portage/bashrc
> PACK=${P%%-*}
> if [ "${PACK}" == "freeradius" -a "$*" == "clean" ]
> then
>    read -p "Ya parchaste el paquete? [s/N]" -n 1 Q
>    [ "$Q" != "s" ] && /bin/killall emerge
> fi
> greetings
> jose a.r.

I would create an overlay directory and copy to ebuilds there, that way
you can version bump your overlay as the main portage tree gets updated.

Of course, if your manually applied patches may be of use to others then
you should probably file bugs at bugs.gentoo.org.  Remember that patches
that may not be desired by everyone should utilise a local USE flag to
control patching.


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