Hello everybody, Don't even know how to google for this one.
Having giving up for now getting a Radeon9250 to work with gentoo. I replaced it with an ATI Rage128 AGP card and referenced the appropriate module, aty128fb, in modules.autoload. Now, even before configuring X something bizarre happens: I'll be working away in one console then decide to <ctl><alt><f2> to the next one, do some stuff there and <ctl><alt><f1> back to the first; but then suddenly I lose ~80% of screen brightness! Horrified,I reboot and find everything back to "normal", switch consoles back and forth, same thing happens. Anybody know what's going on? -mw __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list