
Two questions:

A.- I could repet emerge with no problem, my questions are:

       1. Is there any way to resume the process and win time?
       2. If not. Would be any problem with the files that the first
partial emerge would have left on the file system?

B.- I'm new on Gentoo, well, really I'm new on linux.

       1.- emerge -avt, shows me which ebuilds will install, isn't it?
Is it possible to select some of them but not the others?
       2.- the sufixes of each ebuild which give me emerge -avt, are
the required/optional/suggested USE switches?

Thanks again, 


On 5/3/05, Christoph Gysin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pere Gentoo wrote:
> >If I emerge again KDE, what would happens? Emerge will continue on the
> >point i t has break? or it will begin again from the beginning? If it
> >begins again could there be any problem whit the files it have
> >generated the first emerge process?
> >
> >
> IIRC kde is a metapackage, so its not really one big package. It just
> depends on everything that is needed.
> Try: "emerge -avt kde", it will show what needs to be merged to complete
> kde.
> >What is the best way to correct that?
> >
> >
> $ emerge -avt kde
> If it fails at the same point (with the same error message), try
> searching bugzilla [1] with the package name and version.
> If you can't find anything related, post the first error message in a
> reply to this thread.
> Christoph
>  [1]
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