I have one, but I only use it on specific occasions, when I want to install something that isn't in portage already. The enviroment variable is never set except explicitly per emerge when I need it.

On 4/29/05, Brett I. Holcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Do you have a portage overlay?

> From: Calvin Spealman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/04/29 Fri PM 02:45:49 EDT
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: [gentoo-user] Portage still seeing non-existant version 5's of packages
> For a few packages, currently k3b and koffice, portage is seeing the newest
> version as being 5. These versions don't exist, and portage chokes very
> badly on installing or updating the packages. Does anyone know where it
> might be getting these faulty version numbers, or where I need to look to
> fix it. I've cleared some caches as suggested previously, synced, installed
> a binary of portage executables, and ran an emerge --regen, but with no
> noticable results. If anyone has any suggestions on fixing this error,
> please let me know, and thanks for your help, in advance.

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