
> I supose I have to emerge it using some debug flag. Then I
> want to hack the code an recompile again.

it's a shell script :) .

> How can I do that? Is this the correct approach? Any
> documentation?

To be honest, alsaconf needs not to be fixed but rewritten.


* It still can handle ISA cards
* It growed over the time, and the code is now a bit 
unreadable and unflexible
* it can only create a new configuration, but it cannot read 
and edit an existing one
* it cannot handle USB cards
* it cannot deal with asoundrc which is needed to set a 
default soundcard and doing card ordering
* ...

Unfortunately I'm not enough a programmer, but if I was I'd do 

Please note that this is no alsaconf bashing. It has done a 
great job over the years, but meanwhile it needs a 

 Best regards

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