On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 03:32:57PM -0700, George Garvey wrote:
>    I'm getting a lot of duplicates that are not slotted installed. I
> use pye almost always, instead of emerge. Has something changed that
> broke pye? Has the way that emerge -u works changed?
>    Cleaning this up is a hassle. I'd like to stop it from happening.
> It looks like it started a couple of weeks ago, but that's just a
> guess.

   I tried an experiment today.
   Ran emerge -auDv world. It listed xterm-200-r1 as something to
upgrade. Said yes, do it. Now I have xterm-200 and xterm-200-r1 listed
as installed by etcat.
   What could I have done to cause this? What could fix it? It is
happening on all our systems here, as far as I've checked.
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