Right all the way, Trey, as best as I recall, & my local brother has a Mac, which I hadda help him with a couple of times, after drooling for a few minutes at his wonderful 87-inch -- !! -- I mean 27-inch -- !!!! -- no, I mean **23**-inch Apple monitor ;) .

Trey Gruel wrote:

I've heard (and believe) that the Mac OS is built on a Linux kernel. Is this true? If so,
does that mean that Macintosh\Apple compatible software can be installed on a Gentoo
machine? There's lots of software out there I'd like to use in my Gentoo environment,
and I can find Mac\Apple versions, but I don't know if it will work in Gentoo.

no.. macos x is based on bsd with a mach microkernel (i think i've got that right). macos may be able to run linux programs (most, when compiled from source on the mac, should be able to work), but most macos apps will not work outside of the mac environment.

first off, there's the issue of cpu architecture.  most (i believe)
gentoo users are running on x86 (or amd64) platforms, not ppc (which
is what macs use).  secondly, most native mac apps use apis (cocoa,
carbon, etc) specific to the mac.

-- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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