
I can run rkhunter as root with role sysadm_r and there are no issues, but when I run it from a cron job I get lots of AVCs because the source context is system_cronjob_t. I am using vixie-cron and running rkhunter from a crontab in /etc/cron.d/.

I can see 2 options for fixing this:

1) set the label on the crontab to be the same as when I run rkhunter with no AVCs (sysadm_r). Not sure if this happens with a system crontab. I would need to set the boolean cron_userdomain_transition to true, and it would end up with a crontab file having a different label to that specified by the policy.

2) create an intermediate script that I run from the crontab, that itself runs rkhunter and effects a transition to the sysadm_t context before doing so. I would need to write a short policy to do this and allow system_cronjob_t to make the transition. This looks like the better route to go.

Does anyone have any views about the best way to proceed or whether to do this at all?


Robert Sharp

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