( wabe I also read your reply ) On 161025-20:23+0200, PaX Team wrote: > On 25 Oct 2016 at 19:35, wabe wrote: > > > Interesting. I'm using hardened-sources-4.7.6 and qemu-2.7.0-r4 and > > don't have any problems so far. I'm using qemu VMs with xubuntu > > 14.04 and 16.04. > > do you enable SANITIZE? 'cos that's what seems to trigger the problem for > Miroslav. > Nope! Or not completely true.
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=597554#c56 where find: "which means, with SANITIZE: crash, w/o SANITIZE: no work..." And also my recall in the next comment, the c57 of how previously even the SANITIZE-disabled kernel crashed. Wish I could dedicate more time to that testing now... Unfortunately, no straight dedicated long enough time to work on that available here for one or two more days... Binary search should be in order... And your reply in that bug, to how that different behavior of those kernel, for non-experts would be great... (the "ioctl(KVM_CREATE_VM) failed: 12 Cannot allocate memory"... by SANITIZE-disabled kernel... Of course, if you can find that time... (esp. since I can not find much time now for a while)... Regards! -- Miroslav Rovis Zagreb, Croatia http://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr
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