On 19 Sep 2015 at 2:06, Alex Efros wrote: > I've temporary switched to `eselect opengl set xorg-x11` and was able to > start pidgin, but I wonder is there other way to work around this issue? > Problem is, I don't like to use `paxctl-ng -m /usr/bin/pidgin` because > pidgin is one of "these" apps - it process a lot of data from network, it > support a lot of protocols, does a lot of complex parsing…
you'll have to find out first why nvidia's GL dispatch library has text relocations as that's not even allowed by the amd64 ABI and i don't see any here in fact, for reference: 3e3ef95fd0351495d400147b994b1978 /usr/lib64/opengl/nvidia/lib/libGLdispatch.so.0 so try "readelf -edW /usr/lib64/opengl/nvidia/lib/libGLdispatch.so.0" and post its output. next, there's PAX_ELFRELOCS for this special case but before you enable that let's figure out where those textrels come from ("scanelf -tT" can also help). > And main question is: why the hell pidgin needs OpenGL? I don't have any > "visual" plugins for pidgin enabled, so at a glance it shouldn't use OpenGL. > And it was able to work without is before I've updated nvidia-drivers, so > maybe something is wrong with this nvidia-drivers version. > How to find out why pidgin needs this library at all? it may not be a direct dependency, you can try both ldd (on pidgin and its dependent libraries) and strace/gdb to see why/when it's loaded.