Hi fellow hardened devs:

I'm sorry for missing the meeting but things came up and the day got hectic. It is an important meeting because we were to discuss:

1) what we want with toolchain.eclass - There is a move to get rid of the eclas because it is "messy". This is probably a bad thing in general and especially for hardened so we should discuss the pros and cons and what we want.

2) what to do about tar and POSIX capabilities in the context of building stage3's. Utilities like ping that used to be setuid to root are now just using posix caps. But preserving xattrs with tar is tricky. Since we dealt with this for the user.pax.* xattr namespace jmbsvicetto asked us to look at security.capability. However, the issue may now be mute because I just got a message from him that

tar --xattrs --xattrs-include=security.capability --xattrs-include=user.* --acls -xjpvf

works to get us all the xattr goodies we need for hardened and gentoo in general.

We should try to discuss 1 soon-ish before Cthulu awakens and madness reigns in gentoo.

Anthony G. Basile, Ph. D.
Chair of Information Technology
D'Youville College
Buffalo, NY 14201
(716) 829-8197

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