On Tue, 2024-07-02 at 14:39 +0400, Vitaly Zdanevich wrote:
> On 7/2/24 14:12, Sam James wrote:
> > 
> > Vitaly Zdanevich <zdanevich.vit...@ya.ru> writes:
> > > > 
> > > > Ancient
> > > 
> > > Oh, ancient games are sooo bad, no ray tracing, no soul.
> > > 
> > Please see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Council/Code_of_conduct.
> Sorry just painful to see when we lose some old cultural artifacts.
> I cannot install it, no screenshots here
> Anybody know more about this game? Same screenshots, videos?

You imply that I did this out of hand, simply because they were old, but I
assure you that I did try all of these games first. You could have easily
tried them yourself before sending your message, despite the mask.

I have no problem with having merely old games in our repo. It helps if they
are still actively maintained, but they don't necessarily have to be. In fact,
I have been rather sad to see others drop games in the past. The games still
need to have some merit though. We are not a museum, and I would rather focus
energy on the much better games that still need our attention.

Experiences are subjective, of course, but I seriously doubted I would have
found these games entertaining at the time, let alone now. I'll admit that
TuxDash had some potential. It honoured the look of the original very well,
which I am old enough to have played in the 80s. The maps are entirely random
though, so there is practically no skill involved. A quick search revealed
many other open source clones that are probably much better.

I'll try to be more descriptive in my masks next time.

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