On 2024-02-14, mgorny said:

> The following packages are also left with no maintainer:
> app-misc/binwalk

I use this, I can p-m it.

However, upstream seems partly, if not mostly dead (last PR merged was a
year ago, only 3 merged in the last ~2.5 years, 50+ outstanding PRs,
100+ outstanding issues). There's some more active forks, but none that
has yet unambiguously taken over the project. I'd welcome guidance on
when to decide to switch forks in SRC_URI vs carrying around
cherry-picked patches in files/.

If there's a GLEP covering this scenario I couldn't find it; offlist
would be fine unless my inability to Google is a useful learning moment
for others.



Hank Leininger <hl...@korelogic.com>
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