
On 2023/09/22 13:16, Florian Schmaus wrote:
On 21/09/2023 21.40, Arthur Zamarin wrote:
If this is a last-rite message, the last line must list the last-rite
last date (removal date) and the last-rite bug number. You can also list

FWIW, I would assume the last-rite date to be the date where the package's last rites where initiated, i.e., where it was p.masked. The removal date would be the date on which the packages was cleaned from the tree.

other bugs relevant to the last-rite. So I think a format of: "Removal

I now we, myself included, often wrote "Removal on…", however, I wonder if we should reflect reality and write "Removal after…" instead.


"on or after" would probably be most accurate though but gets very wordy.

Kind regards,

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