Alexe Stefan wrote:
> On 9/13/23, Dale <> wrote:
>> Alexe Stefan wrote:
>>> While my posts may be a little bit inflammatory, no one pointed out
>>> where I'm wrong.
>>> I don't hate gentoo, but I don't want choice to be taken away from users.
>>> If we(the users) only respond to issues that individually impact us,
>>> choice will be taken away from everyone eventually(unless it's the
>>> "right" choice as agreed by Lennart & co). It is called "divide and
>>> conquer".
>>> I do not hate gentoo. I want to see it offer as much choice as
>>> possible, not restrict it.
>>> I had to bear with systemd for some time before going to gentoo. I
>>> don't want that to happen again.
>> I'm a eudev user.  I don't like systemd either.  I'm actually having to
>> deal with it for the first time after installing Ubuntu for a NAS box on
>> a under powered rig with not a lot of memory.  I can honestly say, I
>> don't like systemd from experience.  I'm one who will likely have to
>> switch to udev even tho I don't care too.  While I'm not excited about
>> it, given the lack of coders wanting to keep it alive, I'll just have to
>> switch.  I may be losing a choice but hey, at least I had one that other
>> distros never had.  Some distros switched with no alternative long ago.
>> If I, someone who hates change, can change, I'm not sure why you can't
>> accept that eudev just may have reached its end of life on Gentoo.  I
>> missed the news item a year or so ago.  I had no idea it was not being
>> maintained on Gentoo.  This sort of hit me all at once, most likely the
>> same as you.  Unless someone steps up in the next week or so, I'll be
>> switching.  At the least, I'm grateful to have OpenRC.  Don't get me
>> started on trying to figure out how to restart a service on Ubuntu.  As
>> bad as all the compiling is, Gentoo is a walk in the park.  Restart a
>> service, /etc/init.d/<start typing and hit tab twice when you think you
>> are close>.  Try that in Ubuntu.  Forget a hair cut this month.  I'm
>> doing good to have hair.  :@  Let's see what happens and if eudev dies,
>> let's accept it and be grateful for the time we did have a choice, while
>> some kinks got worked out of systemd udev at least.
>> To the other devs reading this thread still.  Thanks much from a 20 year
>> user of Gentoo.  It was bumpy at first but it sure has come a
>> LOOOOOOOONG ways.  I can't say enough about how much emerge has improved
>> and how dependencies are resolved with ease for us users.  The work on
>> the emerge command and ebuilds has improved a LOT.  I still wish the
>> error output was more friendly but hey, at least there is a whole lot
>> less of it.  :-D
>> Let's deal with what is in front of us.  Thanks again to the devs.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
>> I'm going back to my hole now.  <me hides>
> I do deal with what is in front of us. Today it's eudev. Tomorrow will
> be opentmpfiles or openrc.

And if they are no longer maintained, then what?  Post a lot of replies
on a mailing list? 

The point is, right now no one is wanting to maintain eudev.  There are
a lot of packages that get removed for the exact same reason.  Some are
no longer useful to anyone, some just don't have anyone to maintain
regardless of whether anyone uses them or not.  Once they are no longer
maintained and things start to break, they get removed.  Only if someone
steps up to maintain a package, does that package get to live.  It's
been that way for many years.  The packages you gave as examples, will
likely have their day as well, one day.

I don't think any of your posts has changed that fact.  In all honestly,
if anyone was interested in stepping up and at least trying to maintain
eudev, they most likely aren't now.  After all, if they stop maintaining
eudev later for whatever reason, they have you to look forward too.  I'm
sure several devs have your messages sent straight to the trash.  One
posted as much.  You are not accomplishing anything, likely even hurting

I think I'm done here too. 


:-)  :-) 

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