Sam James wrote:
> "Eddie Chapman" <> writes:
>>>> So what's the situation with the current Gentoo maintainers? Have
>>>> they disappeared? I often see on here packages being offered up for
>>>> grabs. Why
>>>> hasn't there been a call to give others the opportunity to volunteer
>>>> as maintainers rather than going straight to last riting the package?
>>>> Or
>>>> has that happened and I've missed it, in which case I apologise.
>>> There was a year ago or so and nothing really came out of it. But see
>>>  above wrt 'tags'.
>> A year is a long time, there might well now be people willing to take
>> over maintaining it that were not willing to 1 year ago, if that is what
>> is required.
> They have a month to step up anyway, although that will involve
> upstream activity too.

I see there was already a change in the tree yesterday that assumes
sys-fs/eudev is going (commit d46677fd864b30315423c8364ca44db2de98e2a1,
sys-fs/mdadm/mdadm-4.2-r2, amd64 stable keyworded). Has this actually been
decided behind the scenes already? This starts to smell a little ugly
unless I've completely misunderstood something. I hope I'm wrong.

One thing I don't understand: the Gentoo project page for eudev lists 4
members including the lead, and FWICT they are mostly still active in
other areas of Gentoo (recent commits to the tree in other packages). The
project lead is also an original author of eudev. I find it hard to
believe that all 4 of these people have completely lost interest in eudev
in Gentoo. Have any of these 4 maintainers publicly said (anywhere) that
they are not interested in being maintainers anymore (which is fine if
that is the case)?  We're not talking here about a lone maintainer of some
peripheral package that's disappeared leaving an orphaned package.

I'm an outsider to Gentoo development (just a heavy user for over a decade
both personally and professionally) so I might have missed something. I
just find it puzzling.

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