On 9/1/23 15:25, Philip Webb wrote:
230901 Christopher Fore wrote:
I'm currently working with the Wiki team on removing references to Layman
Not quite on your topic, during a recent installation
I noticed that Wiki talks re "burning an ISO to a CD".
My new home-built machine doesn't even have a CD drive
nor could the mobo handle it if it did.
Most install ISOs can now be copied directly onto a USB stick,
which boots & has an install button to click.

Perhaps someone else is handling that part of the clean-up.  HTH.

Yes, we are aware that most systems no longer carry built-in optical drives and there is an effort to rework those parts of the Handbook and adjust terminology and instructions. At the same time we have several *other* areas of the wiki that include for creating bootable media on USB: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LiveUSB#Using_dd_to_write_the_ISO_image_to_a_USB_drive

See https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Handbook#Terminology_updates

Update downloadable media terminology from LiveCD/DVD/USB to "live image" - https://bugs.gentoo.org/903551

Bad documentation and install for machines without CD - https://bugs.gentoo.org/902813

Kind regards,


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