Joonas Niilola <> writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
> On 11.8.2023 17.07, orbea wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Currently the Gentoo Github PR queue is at 577 open PRs that even
>> includes one that has been left open in 2018 and neglected since 2021.
> That's a bit misleading. The PR in question is opened by a Gentoo
> developer, and labeled as "do-not-merge". So maybe they lost interest,
> or forgot? Ping in the PR if you want to see it finished. But there are
> indeed tons of PRs open from 2020.
>> While not trying to be rude before contributing to Gentoo I was involved
>> with for Slackware where everything gets reviewed once
>> a week with only a handful of maintainers doing the reviewing process.
> We also have 32,000 PRs closed, while slackbuild is at 3000. And here
> also only handful of members are putting effort in general PR review. So
> I'd say we're doing pretty good in that regard.

juippis' whole email nails the issue, but I'd just like to add that
there's kind of a baseline at ~400/~450 or so where everything below
that is PRs for new packages or long-obsolete stuff nobody closed yet,
or where we're waiting on the submitter. It's just that going ahead
and going over those is time-consuming and means we're spending less
time on active PRs which need looking at.

as for bz: it's far harder to review something on bz and if everyone
did that for their contributions, any backlog (which you can't
easily measure on bz either) would be far larger.

> [...]

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