Modify the occluded package check to unidirectionally check for
additional files in installed package directory.  This eliminates false
positives when the source directory contains additional files,
in particular C sources.

This change also eliminates the dependency on diff(1), in favor
of comm(1).  As a side effect, we no longer compare .py files for
equality but that shouldn't be such a big deal.

Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
 eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass | 26 +++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass b/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
index 27157a003ab2..b67cbb7db298 100644
--- a/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
+++ b/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
@@ -1244,14 +1244,13 @@ _python_check_occluded_packages() {
        # positives before filing bugs.
        [[ ! ${PYTHON_EXPERIMENTAL_QA} ]] && return
-       type -P diff &>/dev/null || return
        [[ -z ${BUILD_DIR} || ! -d ${BUILD_DIR}/install ]] && return
        local sitedir="${BUILD_DIR}/install$(python_get_sitedir)"
        # avoid unnecessarily checking if we are inside install dir
        [[ ${sitedir} -ef . ]] && return
-       local f fn diff
+       local f fn diff l
        for f in "${sitedir}"/*/; do
@@ -1260,17 +1259,26 @@ _python_check_occluded_packages() {
                [[ ${fn} == *.dist-info || ${fn} == *.egg-info ]] && continue
                if [[ -d ${fn} ]]; then
-                       diff=$(diff -dupr -x "__pycache__" "${fn}" 
+                       (
+                               cd "${sitedir}" && find "${fn}" -type f |
+                                       grep -v /__pycache__/ | sort
+                       ) > "${T}"/py-installed || die
+                       (
+                               find "${fn}" -type f |
+                                       grep -v /__pycache__/ | sort
+                       ) > "${T}"/py-source || die
+                       diff=$(comm -1 -3 "${T}"/py-source "${T}"/py-installed 
|| die)
                        if [[ -n ${diff} ]]; then
                                eqawarn "The directory ${fn} occludes package 
installed for ${EPYTHON}."
-                               echo
-                               echo ">>> Diff:"
-                               echo "${diff}"
-                               echo "<<< End-of-diff"
-                               echo
+                               eqawarn "The installed package includes 
additional files:"
+                               eqawarn
+                               while IFS= read -r l; do
+                                       eqawarn "    ${l}"
+                               done <<<"${diff}"
+                               eqawarn
                                if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_WARNED_OCCLUDED_PACKAGES} ]]; 
-                                       eqawarn "The complete build log 
includes diffs."
                                        eqawarn "For more information on 
occluded packages, please see:"

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