On Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 20:40:34 +0200, Gerion Entrup wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2023, 01:09:30 CEST schrieb Oskari Pirhonen:
> > On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 21:56:26 +0000, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> > > On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 12:44:39PM +0200, Gerion Entrup wrote:
> > > > just to be curious about the whole discussion. I did not follow in the
> > > > deepest detail but what I got is:
> > > > - EGO_SUM blows up the Manifest file, since every little Go module needs
> > > >   to be respected. A lot of these Manifest files lead to a extremely
> > > >   increased Portage tree size. EGO_SUM is just one example (though the
> > > >   biggest one). Statically linked languages like Rust etc. have the same
> > > >   problem.
> > > > - The current solution is to prepackage all modules, put it somewhere on
> > > >   a webserver and just manifest that file. This make the Portage tree
> > > >   small in size again, but requires a webserver/mirror and is thus
> > > >   unfriendly for overlay devs.
> > > > 
> > > > I'm not sure if it was mentioned before but has anyone considered hash
> > > > trees / Merkle trees for the manifest file? The idea would be to hash
> > > > the standard manifest file a second time if it gets too big and write
> > > > down that hash as new manifest file and leave EGO_SUM as is.
> > > This is out-of-tree/indirect Manifests, that I proposed here, more than
> > > a year ago:
> > > https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-dev&m=168280762310716&w=2
> > > https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-dev&m=165472088822215&w=2
> > > 
> > > Developing it requires PMS work in addition to package manager
> > > development, because it introduces phases.
> > > 
> > > - primary fetch of $SRC_URI per ebuild, including indirect Manifest
> > > - primary validation of distfiles
> > > - secondary fetch of $SRC_URI per indirect Manifest
> > > - secondary validation of additional distfiles
> > > 
> > > A significantly impacted use case is "emerge -f", it now needs to run
> > > downloads twice.
> > > 
> > 
> > I'm not sure double downloading is required. Consider a flow similar to
> > this:
> > 
> > 1. distfiles are fetched as per the ebuild
> > 2. distfiles are hashed into a temporary Manifest
> > 3. temporary Manifest is hashed and compared with the hashes stored in
> >    the in-tree Manifest for the direct Manifest
> This is exactly, what I meant. A webstorage is not needed. A second
> download process is also not needed. Just an additional Manifest format
> is needed for ebuilds with more than n distfiles.
> > A new Manifest format would be required in order to differentiate the
> > current ones from an indirect one. This may require PMS changes,
> > although I suspect ammending GLEP 74 may be enough since the PMS seems
> > to just refer to the GLEP for a description of Manifests.
> > 
> > This would also either rely on a stable ordering of Manifest contents
> > when generating it or having a separate file listing in the indirect
> > Manifest which corresponds to the order in the direct Manifest. For the
> > latter, it should also have separate entries for different package
> > versions so that every single distfile for every single version of said
> > package does not need to be fetched in order to build the direct
> > Manifest.
> > 
> > I'm imagining something along these lines:
> >     
> >     INDIRECT true
> >     PACKAGE category/package-version distfile1 distfile2 ... ALGO1 hash1 
> > ALGO2 hash2 ...
> >     PACKAGE ...
> Maybe it is reasonable to skip the distfile names at all (or just
> provide a hash value of the concatenated file names). Then the manifest
> would just contain two/three hashes (for as many distfiles as the ebuild
> needs). Since these kind of indirect Manifests should be more rare than
> the normal ones, a slightly longer processing time does not have much
> impact I would say.

My reasoning behind having the list of files is so that the
intermediat/direct Manifest can be accurately recreated. Consider the
following (not-so-)hypothetical Manifest:
    DIST dist.tar.gz 84703 BLAKE2B ... SHA512 ...
    DIST dist.tar.gz.asc 228 BLAKE2B ... SHA512 ...
    EBUILD package-r1.ebuild 1535 BLAKE2B ... SHA512 ...
    EBUILD package.ebuild 1536 BLAKE2B ... SHA512 ...
    MISC metadata.xml 959 BLAKE2B ... SHA512 ...

It is "well behaved" because pkgdev created it. My main concern is if
$OTHER_TOOLING generates the Manifest in a different order which would
mean the Manifest may be correct, but you get a false negative since the
hashes don't match what is in the in-tree indirect Manifest. Having the
order specified in the indirect Manifest renders this moot because
$OTHER_TOOLING would have to respect this in order to correctly handle
indirect Manifests.

Additionally, in repos without thin-manifests, the SRC_URI is not enough
to build up the Manifest. This may or may not be an issue depending on
if a repo's metadata/layout.conf is parsed as part of the Manifest
verification process.

> > Here `ALGO1` and `hash1` correspond to the hash of the direct Manifest
> > containing the distfiles (and potentially other files if a repo does not
> > have thin-manifests enabled) and their hashes in the order specified
> > previously.
> > 
> > The indirect Manifest as described above would be large-ish for a
> > package that has lots of distfiles, but likely much smaller than if each
> > distfile had its set of hashes stored directly.
> Without storing the filenames, the Manifest file would have the same
> small size for any amount of distfiles needed.

Assuming layout.conf is parsed when the Manifest is verified (thus
handling the thick Maniffest case), the file list can be omitted if GLEP
74 is ammended to specify an ordering on the entries.

Side note: Portage itself does not seem to care about the ordering. I
tested this by copying a package tree, moving some entries around, and
running `ebuild /path/to/ebuild clean unpack`.

- Oskari

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