Hi lists,

You might know about the `app-portage/metagen` utility that generates
metadata.xml files with your name and email. But there was no tool that
autofilled upstream information, so I wrote it.

Using it is as simple as:

        $ gentle foo-0.1.ebuild

You can install it as `app-portage/gentle` from the ::guru repository or
download it from PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/gentle-mxml/

The tool uses Portage API to unpack source code into a temporary
directory and guess from that data. Pkgcraft will be supported once its
bindings gain ability to call phase functions. There are problems with
Pkgcore, so it's not supported.

Contributions (especially fixing bugs and adding new generators) are

P.S. There's a similar project called upstream-ontologist[0]. I didn't
know about it when I started the project and now it's too late.

[0]: https://pypi.org/project/upstream-ontologist/

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