That does sound painful.

> - Across the 3 channels, you are looking at roughly 12 releases per
> That's a lot of churn.

* Why build unstable stuff, why not build only stable releases and fix the
problems once?

* Looking at chromium-browser-official and the GitHub mirror, it's unclear
me which release is stable. How is that sorted out?

> - Upstream likes to use modern C++ features, and they write C++ code that
> tends to break or is unsupported on stable releases of GCC and LLVM.

* How common of a problem is the C++ issue?

* I don't know C++, is that a major obstacle?

> - Upstream bundles many libraries. The Gentoo ebuild has some logic to
> unbundle a number of these, but maintaining it is a pain.

* What tends to go wrong?

> - Using the bundled libraries sometimes is problematic, especially on
> non-x86-64 targets which upstream doesn't support well.

* What tends to break here?

* Is the upstream likely to take patches or are we stuck maintaining a
set for pretty much all non-x86-64 targets?

* Is this why Sam maintains a bunch of PPC64 patches? Do these ever make
their way upstream?


On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 2:38 PM Maciej Barć <> wrote:

> I think Google does all this intentionally to piss off people trying to
> use the "free-er" version of Chrome... let's face it, "their" aim is to
> create a one-fits-all spyware named Google Chrome.
> Google does not want you to touch their mess.
> Google does not want you to even think about going a extra mile to not
> have telemetry in software you use every day.
> Having said all this, it really is a miracle to me that the Gentoo
> Chromium team had put up with this for so insanely long and I have the
> most respect for you guys!
> W dniu 7.06.2023 o 19:45, Mike Gilbert pisze:
> > On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 9:09 AM Jeff Gazso <> wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm in the process of getting Gentoo dev status. I'm willing to consider
> >> maintaining www-client/chromium. I have a high core count rack server
> that
> >> should be able to handle the build process quite well. Can you give me
> a list
> >> of common pain points? If that is a long conversation feel free to
> email me
> >> directly.
> >
> > I'll start by giving a brief overview of the Chromium release process
> upstream:
> >
> > - 3 release channels: stable, beta, dev/unstable
> > - Major development occurs on the master branch.
> > - Once a month, a new major version is forked from master, and this
> > becomes the "dev channel" release series.
> > - Over the next several weeks in the dev channel the major version is
> > tested and fixed, with releases roughly once per week.
> > - Eventually, the branch is promoted to the "beta channel".
> > - A similar process occurs in the beta channel, with weekly releases
> > until the major version is finally promoted to the "stable channel".
> > - The stable channel sees around 1 to 2 releases per month, usually
> > with security fixes included.
> >
> > Downstream, we have historically tried to keep up with all 3 channels.
> > Keeping the dev channel working is the biggest challenge. The other
> > channels usually just involve build testing and the occasional
> > backport of fixes.
> >
> > Common problems:
> >
> > - Across the 3 channels, you are looking at roughly 12 releases per
> > month. That's a lot of churn.
> > - The dev channel never compiles the first time you try it. There are
> > always problems to fix.
> > - Upstream only really supports using their bundled toolchain (an LLVM
> > git snapshot on Ubuntu). On Gentoo, we try to make it work with the
> > stable release of GCC and LLVM/clang.
> > - Upstream likes to use modern C++ features, and they write C++ code
> > that tends to break or is unsupported on stable releases of GCC and
> > LLVM.
> > - Upstream bundles many libraries. The Gentoo ebuild has some logic to
> > unbundle a number of these, but maintaining it is a pain.
> > - Using the bundled libraries sometimes is problematic, especially on
> > non-x86-64 targets which upstream doesn't support well.
> > - Upstream cross-compiles their ARM binaries, whereas we compile
> > natively on Gentoo. This sometimes causes conflicts.
> >
> > I'm probably missing some things, but I think that should give you
> > some idea of what you're in for. :-)
> >
> --
> Have a great day!
> ~ Maciej XGQT Barć
> Gentoo Linux developer
> (dotnet, emacs, math, ml, nim, scheme, sci)
> 9B0A 4C5D 02A3 B43C 9D6F D6B1 14D7 4A1F 43A6 AC3C

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