On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 07:49:49 +0200, Michał Górny wrote:
> Hi,
> I think we've passed the threshold for making two USE flags global:
> - sound notification support (usually via libcanberra)
> - global hotkey support (usually via keybinder)
> I don't have a strong opinion on flag names.
> For sound notification, I've found that:
> - 7 packages use "libcanberra" as the name
> - 1 package uses "sound-notification" (and implements it using
> libcanberra)

USE=sound-notification is nice and descriptive, but it feels a bit
awkward being so long. Looking at some of the descriptions for the
"libcanberra" flag on p.g.o, the most popular one seems to be:

    Enable sound event support using media-libs/libcanberra

Perhaps USE=sound-events? It's a bit shorter but just as descriptive.

> For global hotkey support, I've found that:
> - 4 packages use "keybinder"
> - 1 package uses "hotkeys" but it doesn't use keybinder and I'm not 100%
> sure it's the same feature

Maybe something like USE=keybind?

These names are also nice and implementation-agnostic :)

- Oskari

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