Dear everyone,
While gentoo-devhelp is a better place for questions, it's been inactive for years so I sent an email here. Apologies if this is solely for gentoo developers. I'm writing an ebuild of ddnet, <> a cmake argument of which is "-GNinja" controlling the build system to be ninja or make. Naturally I decided to add a USE flag "ninja" Part of my src_configure function is as below: local mycmakeargs=( ...... -DVULKAN=$(usex vulkan ON OFF) ) use ninja && mycmakeargs+=( -GNinja ) cmake_src_configure What confuses me is that portage seems to always use ninja to build, for htop always indicates user portage is running ( ninja -v -j5 ), whenever USE=ninja is enabled or disabled. After trying to read cmake.eclass source code, I think separately denoting ninja/make in src_compile and src_install might be possible. But cmake_build still automatically detects the build type so I am confused. My drafted ebuild file is attached below. It will be much appreciated if anyone could help :) Best regards.
Description: Binary data