On 3.6.2022 17.45, Maciej Barć wrote:
> Hello!
> I'd like to introduce "pandoc" virtual package depending on pandoc-bin
> or pandoc.
> Pandoc is a very helpful tool for converting between document formats,
> most commonly used to build a project documentation, but it depends on
> many Haskell libraries, and I believe not many users will want to
> install full pandoc to build given project's documentation.
> Using the following command: "grep -R 'app-text/pandoc'
> --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=metadata --exclude-dir=profiles | cut
> -d':' -f 1 | cut -d'/' -f 1-2 | sort | uniq" we can diagnose that
> following pkgs could benefit from it:
> app-emacs/auto-complete
> app-emacs/markdown-mode
> app-emulation/xen-tools
> app-text/nuspell
> dev-haskell/hakyll
> dev-haskell/pandoc-citeproc
> dev-lang/lfe
> dev-libs/pmdk
> dev-python/ipython
> dev-python/nbconvert
> dev-python/pandas
> media-sound/bluez-alsa
> media-sound/pms
> net-misc/mptcpd
> sci-mathematics/rkward
> sci-mathematics/rstudio
> sys-apps/earlyoom
> sys-apps/exa
> sys-apps/ripgrep-all
> www-apps/gitit
> www-apps/hugo
> x11-wm/xpra
> Attached a initial patch.
> Thoughts?

First time I hear about pandoc-bin. Great idea indeed now that the
package exists!

But you'll have to match KEYWORDS for both options first.

-- juippis

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