>>>>> On Wed, 09 Feb 2022, Sam James wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Feb 2022 08:18:07 +0100
> Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:

>> There is no special time period for making such proposals; future EAPI
>> bugs can be filed at any time. Preferably, they should be filed early,
>> because we've had very bad experience with including last-minute
>> features. 

> Agreed on the latter point, but this doesn't mean a simple courtesy
> notice would be problematic.

> Not everyone will be aware EAPI 9 is in the works; in particular, it's
> useful for our downstreams to know and possibly suggest any improvements
> given they're not likely to be as aware of day-to-day developments in
> Gentoo, and it's useful as a final poke to notify people that if indeed
> they feel something should be in the next EAPI (or "soon"), they should
> file a bug and so on.

> I am not saying any such requests must be accepted for EAPI 9. But
> engaging with the community with a notice isn't a bad thing?

> Someone could easily think the next EAPI is years away and therefore
> feel no urgency to flesh out their (possibly very simple) idea or
> improvement.

*shrug* The item is in the Council meeting agenda which is sent to the
gentoo-dev-announce mailing list, so people should be aware?

Anyway, I am cross-posting this to -dev and I include my original
message [0] below. (Sorry for the noise; I still think this is sort of



| As I had announced in the January meeting, I'd ask the Council to
| pre-approve the list of features for EAPI 9, as listed here:
| https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Future_EAPI/EAPI_9_tentative_features
| - Eclass revisions [1]
| - EAPI of profiles defaults to repository EAPI [2]
| - Allow comments in profile parent files [3]
| - econf: Ensure proper end of string in configure --help output [4]
| This will be an EAPI with few new features, and its motivation is mainly
| to have eclass revisions. The second and third feature will affect only
| profiles, and the fourth feature is effectively a bug fix.
| There were also ideas about no longer exporting A (or alternatively, any
| variables) to the ebuild environment [5], but nobody has come forward
| with a concrete proposal yet. So, IMHO it will need more discussion and
| won't be ready for EAPI 9; developers who have asked for the feature may
| consider leading that discussion. IIUC, these would be the TeX and Go
| maintainers.
| [1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/806592
| [2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/806181
| [3] https://bugs.gentoo.org/470094
| [4] https://bugs.gentoo.org/815169
| [5] https://bugs.gentoo.org/721088

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