>>>>> On Tue, 30 Nov 2021, James Cloos wrote:

>>>>> "UM" == Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> writes:
UM> Also, why would one allocate UIDs in the 500..999 range (1000 is fine,
UM> actually)? Gentoo always had UID_MIN=1000 and SYS_UID_MAX=999.
> why do you thing gentoo is everyone's first or only dist on their
> network?

> or even on any given box?

I was specifically asking about Gentoo infra there.

> forcing existing boxen to change just because a new dist is added
> is also unacceptable.

> for me though, it would be enough if there is something i can add to
> make.conf to ensure that the acct-user and acct-group builds avoid the
> ranges i already use.

> that may also work for others.

UIDs in the range SYS_UID_MIN..SYS_UID_MAX (i.e. 101..999) were always
used for dynamic allocation of system accounts. GLEP 81 hasn't really
changed anything there, except that the ebuild will now suggest an ID to
try first.


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