211103 John Helmert III wrote:
> An "upgrade path" to me sounds like not just a world update,
> but also includes other stuff
> that might be necessary to get a system fully updated,
> like temporarily setting PYTHON_TARGETS to upgrade a package.
> A system without an upgrade path would seem to be a system
> where there is no way to upgrade it without reinstalling,
> which you seem to be asserting is the case for this system.

The Council resolution doesn't seem to have been well-thought-out :
why "1 year" & however could anyone measure that ?
what counts as an upgrade path ? -- problem-free or possible with some work ?

The basic problem is that Portage isn't capable of resolving all conflicts.
In order to do that, a great deal more programing work would be necessary,
which the hard-working volunteer developers are unlikely to have time for.
That means that users must put in a bit of their own time
& use some good sense based on experience to find a path for themselves.
People who can't do that shouldn't try using Gentoo.

I've been using Gentoo on all my machines for  > 18 yr  now
& have never tried to do 'emerge world' without '-pv',
and I've almost always been able to find my way thro' fairly quickly.
I have updated year-old systems occasionally with success.

You have to make a list of the pkgs which need updating
-- either by 'emerge -pv world' or via 'eix-sync' output -- ,
then work thro' the list updating a few pkgs at a time,
starting of course with the most fundamental, eg system pkgs.
That way, problems are usually easily identified
& often simply disappear when you put them aside & emerge further pkgs.
There are some regular blockages which require unmerging a set of pkgs
-- eg notoriously the Qt pkgs -- , then remerging all of them together.
Some problem pkgs can simply be left as they are & everything still works.

If you expect Portage to do all the work for you in the background,
it isn't going to succeeed.


SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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