>>>>> On Thu, 07 Oct 2021, Matthew Marchese wrote:

> I also like the idea of markdown files or RST files living in
> gentoo::. I personally find RST to be a bit more challenging to write,
> but it's simple enough to learn and we 'already have RST to HTML
> conversion on www.g.o for GLEPs. GitHub will render either file format
> in browser. Not sure about all the other Git* sites.

> Apparently the MD and RST formats are somewhat interchangeable if one
> does not go too crazy on formatting: 
> https://gist.github.com/javiertejero/4585196

To add to this, here are two excellent articles comparing the two


Given that we already use RST elsewhere and that it is well supported by
docutils (and our own docutils-glep), that's the format I'd personally

Otherwise, the picture in the first article pretty much summarizes it.


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