> Categories themselves were not a design mistake.  The design mistake is
> using categories to permit conflicting package names.
> Categories are convenient.  Sure, they're not perfect but they serve
> their purpose to some degree and there's little harm in having them.
> If you want to organize packages better, nobody's stopping you.  Until
> you've got a better and widespread replacement, I don't see why people
> shouldn't be using categories as they see fit.
> The other part is something we could aim for fixing but so far most
> developers seems to disagree with me, so there's no point in pursuing
> that.

So how about improving categories instead?

Rough idea: 
* introduce 1st, 2nd, 3rd class categories, categorized in metadata somewhere
* 1st class is what you want in your world file (and default setting)
* 2nd class is everything else
* 3rd class is stuff that should never be in your world file (but still can be, 
if you want)

Then tooling can (maybe output a warning but) default to highest class category 
if none is given.

* 1st class: app-*, dev-lang, games-*, ...
* 2nd class: dev-haskell, dev-perl, dev-php, dev-python, dev-texlive, 
media-libs, net-libs, sci-libs, ...
* 3rd class: acct-*, perl-core, virtual

Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer
(council, toolchain, base-system, perl, libreoffice)

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