On Fri, Jul 09, 2021 at 11:36:21AM +0100, Marek Szuba wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> As many (if not most) of you know, the Lua ecosystem is somewhat awkward 
> owing to the facts that on the one hand dev-lang/lua upstream has never 
> officially declared end of life on older versions, and on the other 
> dev-lang/luajit has never moved beyond 5.1 with their API support. 
> Still, this doesn't mean WE have to support all branches in 
> perpetuity... Between 5.1 being effectively here to stay due to LuaJIT 
> and 5.4 still being relatively new (meaning it cannot feasibly replace 
> 5.3 at this point), I would like to start by getting rid of 5.2 first.

Actually upstream does say when they will stop supporting each version

5.1 can go because luajit would cover it, but 5.2 is also a candidate.


[1] http://www.lua.org/versions.html

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