Signed-off-by: Ulrich Müller <>
 eclass/git-r3.eclass | 54 ++++----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eclass/git-r3.eclass b/eclass/git-r3.eclass
index 365f21a4ed4c..398170000498 100644
--- a/eclass/git-r3.eclass
+++ b/eclass/git-r3.eclass
@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@ if [[ ! ${_GIT_R3} ]]; then
 PROPERTIES+=" live"
-if [[ ! ${_INHERITED_BY_GIT_2} ]]; then
-       if [[ ${EAPI} != [56] ]]; then
-               BDEPEND=">=dev-vcs/git-[curl]"
-       else
-               DEPEND=">=dev-vcs/git-[curl]"
-       fi
+if [[ ${EAPI} != [56] ]]; then
+       BDEPEND=">=dev-vcs/git-[curl]"
+       DEPEND=">=dev-vcs/git-[curl]"
@@ -278,50 +276,6 @@ _git-r3_env_setup() {
        if [[ ${EGIT_COMMIT} && ${EGIT_COMMIT_DATE} ]]; then
                die "EGIT_COMMIT and EGIT_COMMIT_DATE can not be specified 
-       # Migration helpers. Remove them when git-2 is removed.
-       if [[ ${EGIT_SOURCEDIR} ]]; then
-               eerror "EGIT_SOURCEDIR has been replaced by EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR. 
While updating"
-               eerror "your ebuild, please check whether the variable is 
necessary at all"
-               eerror "since the default has been changed from \${S} to 
-               eerror "Therefore, proper setting of S may be sufficient."
-               die "EGIT_SOURCEDIR has been replaced by EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR."
-       fi
-       if [[ ${EGIT_MASTER} ]]; then
-               eerror "EGIT_MASTER has been removed. Instead, the upstream 
default (HEAD)"
-               eerror "is used by the eclass. Please remove the assignment or 
-               eerror "as necessary."
-               die "EGIT_MASTER has been removed."
-       fi
-       if [[ ${EGIT_HAS_SUBMODULES} ]]; then
-               eerror "EGIT_HAS_SUBMODULES has been removed. The eclass no 
longer needs"
-               eerror "to switch the clone type in order to support submodules 
and therefore"
-               eerror "submodules are detected and fetched automatically. If 
you need to"
-               eerror "disable or filter submodules, see EGIT_SUBMODULES."
-               die "EGIT_HAS_SUBMODULES is no longer necessary."
-       fi
-       if [[ ${EGIT_PROJECT} ]]; then
-               eerror "EGIT_PROJECT has been removed. Instead, the eclass 
-               eerror "the local clone path using path in canonical 
-               eerror "If the current algorithm causes issues for you, please 
report a bug."
-               die "EGIT_PROJECT is no longer necessary."
-       fi
-       if [[ ${EGIT_BOOTSTRAP} ]]; then
-               eerror "EGIT_BOOTSTRAP has been removed. Please create proper 
-               eerror "instead."
-               die "EGIT_BOOTSTRAP has been removed."
-       fi
-       if [[ ${EGIT_NOUNPACK} ]]; then
-               eerror "EGIT_NOUNPACK has been removed. The eclass no longer 
calls default"
-               eerror "unpack function. If necessary, please declare proper 
-               die "EGIT_NOUNPACK has been removed."
-       fi
 # @FUNCTION: _git-r3_set_gitdir

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