On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 10:27 PM Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >>>>> On Sun, 21 Mar 2021, Alec Warner wrote:
> >> Which doesn't imply that we deliberately break things.
> > Not sure I follow.. how is updating the handbook breaking anything?
> Both configurations (regular file and symlink) work just fine, and
> sys-libs/timezone-data supports them. I don't see a good reason why we
> would suddenly declare the regular file to be an invalid option.

https://bugs.gentoo.org/737914 seems to imply for some upstreams, it
being a file is not a valid option anymore?

(I'm ignoring the logic of that decision of course, but this was the
original reason this was raised.)


> Ulrich

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