On 1/5/2021 16:05, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> On 1/5/21 8:43 AM, Jaco Kroon wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> On 2021/01/05 13:08, Thomas Mueller wrote:
>>>> I'd like feedback from people about the possibility of dropping support
>>>> for uclibc-ng.  If you are unfamiliar, its the successor to uclibc as a
>>>> C Standard Library for embedded systems, ie a replacement for glibc
>>>> bloat.  However, it is inferior to musl which serves the same purpose
>>>> and which has now well supported in Gentoo.
>>>> I know people want musl support, but does anyone even care about
>>>> uclibc-ng?  If not, I can work towards deprecating it and putting what
>>>> little time I have towards musl.
>>>> Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
>>>> Gentoo Linux Developer [Hardened]
>>> Are you the only Gentoo developer working on musl and uclibc-ng?
> I'm the only one working on uclibc-ng.  There are some people helping
> with musl, especially the overlay.
>>> One thing I might try with a Gentoo uclibc-ng system is convert to musl or 
>>> glibc using crossdev.
>>> From what I see on the internet, there is more support for musl than 
>>> uclibc-ng, and more people working with musl than with uclibc-ng.
> It does seem that musl is winning the embedded libc race.
>>> There is a musl-cross-make cross-toolchain that can be built from non-musl 
>>> or even non-Linux.
>>> https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make
>> I've used crossdev in the past.  It was a nasty experience, but I
>> believe crossdev in Gentoo is getting better and better, and it supports
>> many more targets.
> Yes it is, which is why I'm preparing pre-build stage3's on several
> arches so you don't have to x-compile.  I've done the nasty part for you.
>>> From what I have seen, musl looks more promising than uclibc-ng, and more 
>>> user- and developer-friendly.
>>> Unless somebody wants to take over uclibc-ng for Gentoo, I say better for 
>>> you, with your limited time, to drop uclibc-ng in favor of musl.
> Correct, if I had the time, I'd continue to support both.  But my time
> is limited, so I need to concentrate.  I'm just looking for anyone to
> scream if I'm destroying their world by dropping uclibc-ng.  If no one
> does, then I'll begin the process of removing it from the tree.
>> Not doing embedded work at the moment, but just out of hand as of right
>> now if I had to make a choice I'd definitely look at MUSL as first
>> choice.  So +1 for that suggestion.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Jaco

I was using uclibc-ng builds for MIPS to build netboot images between 2017
and 2019 to refine my build processes.  uclibc-ng still produces smaller
overall binaries and libs for the netboot than musl does (usually ~1MB
smaller, which is actually significant, especially on SGI IP22 systems).

Unfortunately for uclibc-ng, it stopped working for me in ~2019.  I have no
clue why, either.  The March 2019 uclibc-ng MIPS stage3 I built internally
works perfectly fine when you unpack it and leave it alone, but as soon as
you compile *anything* more recent with the compiler that's when the
breaking begins.

Rebuilding ncurses in this stage3 will break Python, which breaks emerge.
Never figured it out.  I can trace the failure using GDB to a point in
Python, but not much farther beyond that.  I assume the true cause is
something in uclibc-ng itself.  Upstream seems to like to borrow chunks of
glibc for things, and I wonder if that may be partly to blame.

I eventually gave up and went to musl for MIPS/o32.  musl quite literally
JustWorks().  It's great.  Even with that tiny bit of bloat in the netboot
build (workable, cause I needed to make NFS Root an option anyways).

So long story short, I won't shed any tears if uclibc-ng goes away.

Joshua Kinard
rsa6144/5C63F4E3F5C6C943 2015-04-27
177C 1972 1FB8 F254 BAD0 3E72 5C63 F4E3 F5C6 C943

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our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast, terrible in-between."

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