On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 10:31 AM Alec Warner <anta...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 6:39 AM Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >
> > >>>>> On Sun, 27 Dec 2020, Max Magorsch wrote:
> >
> > > To access the old repositories you can use gitweb.gentoo.org instead.
> > > We have migrated all old cvs repositories to git. All of them are
> > > available read-only now at [0].
> >
> > I've just looked at
> > https://sources.gentoo.org/archive/cvs/gentoo.git/
> > and its commit history ends in 2004.
> >
> > Can you please reinstate CVS until a more accurate conversion is
> > available?
> I'm happy to make tarballs available (as discussed in a bunch of
> places on irc.) Is that sufficient or is there some particular
> requirement for the CVS protocol specifically?

So some updates:

 - We will make tarballs of the raw CVS repos available soon; I'm
working with ulm@ to remove various PII in some places; we previously
used CVS ACLs to prevent people from seeing this PII and we will
similarly remove it in these tarballs.
 - Sources.gentoo.org (used to browse cvs repositories) is now gone.
 - https://sources.gentoo.org now points at gitweb.gentoo.org, but we
may point it at https://anongit.gentoo.org in the future.
 - The viewvc instance that powered cvs browsing was deleted and isn't
coming back and the basic idea is that we will serve archival tarballs
(for really old stuff) and git (for modern stuff) and nothing else.

Thanks to ulm (for reviewing the cvs content) and arzano (who is doing
all the actual work underneath ;p)

Also some clarification here. Infra has carried some tech debt for 5
years[0] and this mostly worked OK for us. However cfengine2 is
*really* old and we need to get off of it. Most new services run on
top of 'puppet' a 'newer' management stack that helps us configure
machines and services. So this push to retire a bunch of stuff is
aligned with a push to get off of cfengine completely by EOY because
it's starting to really cause us operational challenges. Antarus is
not just arbitrarily shutting stuff off; but we are also in a bit of a
rush at the end of 2020 so the shutdowns are not as smooth as we would


[0] I checked, we started to migrate to puppet in *2010* and are still
migrating, 10 years later ;P

> -A
> >
> > Same applies to gentoo-x86 where the git repo misses whole categories.
> >
> > Ulrich

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