On Tue, 2020-12-15 at 23:37 -0500, Aaron W. Swenson wrote:
> On 2020-12-15 11:16, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> > On 12/15/20 11:11 AM, Thomas Deutschmann wrote:
> > > 
> > > What do you mean exactly?
> > > 
> > > For Gentoo tooling, only Gentoo keyservers are important and
> > > Gentoo no longer synchronizes with any other pool.
> > > 
> > "The Gentoo developer tooling explicitly checks the Gentoo
> > keyserver
> > pool with a much higher frequency" strongly implies that we check
> > the
> > non-Gentoo pools with a non-zero frequency.
> > 
> > 
> I'm with Michael on this. I've recently experienced this issue myself
> as the
> instruction to upload the key to the Gentoo keyserver is separate
> from the
> GLEP63[1] document. It doesn't matter that the step is documented if
> the Holy
> Tome GLEP63 doesn't mention it. What hint would I have to look for a
> supplemental document to provide that specific step?
> According to GLEP 63, uploading to the SKS keyserver is a
> requirement.
> However, it fails to specify which SKS keyserver. In fact, neither
> "SKS" nor
> "keyserver" are defined in GLEP63. Ergo, the natural interpretation
> is *anything*
> that's called an SKS keyserver will satisfy the requirement. As long
> as the
> developer can submit the key, the requirement is met.
> Additionally, the supplemental document[2] doesn't say developers
> must upload
> via an internal host, but that devs should upload to both SKS and the
> Gentoo
> keyserver. Yes, it says the Gentoo keyserver is currently restricted
> to syncing
> with "authorized Gentoo hosts", but that's a nonsense phrase and
> unhelpful. It
> assumes I know what the authorized Gentoo hosts are. It doesn't
> clearly state
> what they are. It kind of hints that it will pull from SKS
> eventually, but it
> could take a long time.
> I understand we temporarily stopped syncing with the public keyserver
> out of an
> overabundance of caution. However, that shouldn't have been done
> without
> updating every official Gentoo resource regarding how devs should
> handle their
> keys, which as far as I know is only two documents[1,2]. A whopping 2
> documents.
> This new (I know it's been around for a year but that doesn't make it
> any less
> new), stricter requirement, should be **explicitly** stated in
> GLEP63, properly
> referencing the justification[3], and linking to the infra
> supplemental
> document. The infra supplemental document needs to then use the
> phrase "must" in
> place of "should" when informing readers to upload to two different
> locations.

...and what have you done to resolve the problem, except for making
oververbose complaints and demands in middle of some random thread?

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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