On Wed, 16 Sep 2020 19:47:35 -0400
Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Seems like a way to improve this would be better documentation and a
> DIY infra testing platform.
> First, document how to prepare a service for infra hosting.  Maybe
> provide an example service.
> Second, publish a tarball of a container/chroot that basically
> simulates an infra host for testing purposes.  Provide instructions on
> how to configure/run it.  Make it easy - edit this config file to
> point to your repo, put the name of your service/host here, etc.
> Anybody developing a service could then just follow the instructions
> and then test out their service in a similar environment to what infra
> uses.  Nobody needs to be trusted with any credentials.  Nobody needs
> access to any special repos.  They can run the container on their own
> host, and point it at their favorite git repo hosting service.
> Once it is working all they need to do is give the link to their
> repo/etc to infra.  Infra can then fork it and host it.  The
> maintainer can submit pull requests as needed to infra.

I'm in favour of all of this.

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