On Mon, 27 Apr 2020 09:43:44 -0400
Mike Gilbert <flop...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> He was replying to me. Your master connection will continue to work
> just fine, as I said in my previous message.

I must have lost something in grammar, because no matter how many times I read:

> If you are authenticating that master connection as the "git" user, I
> suspect it will not affect you. If you are using it to push to
> gentoo.git, that is almost certainly the case.

I interpret that as:

- Anonymous fetch is fine
- Authorised Push will fail

But I guess my mistake is in that we don't push with "user@git ...", we
push with "git@ ... ", and the SSH key is the gate keeper of "push will
work", not the UID.


So assuming you're using git@ for fetch *and* push, *then* it will
continue to work.


Forgive me for any potential idiocy, language and remembering the
details of everything all the time is hard.

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