On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:10:15 +0100
Sergei Trofimovich <sly...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> With
> https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=0dce3dc0aa1341155a31407122e079632fcd07ca
> m68k does not have stable keywords in ::gentoo anymore and
> thus becomes ~arch-only Gentoo target.
> """
> */*: downgrade m68k down to ~m68k
> m68k and ~m68k trees are inconsistent. Let's drop keywords
> down to ~m68k only. Profiles already accept both keywords:
>     ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="m68k ~m68k"
> """
> Even basic packages don't have consistent ~m68k keywords. I don't
> think stable keywords have any use today.
> I will pass through and un-CC/close all STABLEREQ bugs where m68k
> is CCed.

Thanks, I think this was inevitable really. I still hope to create a
new stage3 but not with sufficient regularity to use as a basis for a
stable @system.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

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