# Georgy Yakovlev <gyakov...@gentoo.org> (2020-04-18) # Unmaintained, vulnerable oracle java ebuilds, even fetching distfiles # requires agreement to restrictive license # Revdeps that still depend on oracle variants require javafx # Please use icedtea or openjdk instead. # Removal in 30 days. # https://bugs.gentoo.org/681828 dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin dev-java/oracle-jre-bin app-forensics/sleuthkit app-text/jabref-bin dev-java/netbeans-platform dev-java/netbeans-harness games-util/pogo-manager-bin net-p2p/bisq sci-mathematics/geogebra
Oracle java has been maintainer-needed since august 2019, no one stepped up. Removal in 30 days. If someone wants to save the javafx revdeps, best way will be packaging zulufx community [1], I can provide some guidance on packaging it, should not be too hard. -- Georgy Yakovlev <gyakov...@gentoo.org> [1] https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community/?version=java-8-lts&os=linux&package=jdk-fx
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