This patch splits the definition of _PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS and
_python_impl_supported to a separate eclass, this allows overlays
to easily support a different set of python implementations than
::gentoo without having to fork the entire suite of eclasses.
diff --git a/eclass/python-impls-r1.eclass b/eclass/python-impls-r1.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ae6e4e84a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/python-impls-r1.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# @ECLASS: python-impls-r1.eclass
+# Python team <>
+# Author: Michał Górny <>
+# Split to separate eclass by: Patrick McLean <>
+# Based on work of: Krzysztof Pawlik <>
+# @BLURB: Definitions of supported eclasses for python-utils-r1
+# A helper eclass defining the supported python implementations for
+# the python-r1 suite of eclasses.
+# This eclass is meant to be inherited by python-utils-r1, inheriting
+# it separately is very unlikely to be useful.
+# For more information, please see the Python Guide:
+case "${EAPI:-0}" in
+	[0-4]) die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI:-0} (too old) for ${ECLASS}" ;;
+	[5-7]) ;;
+	*)     die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}" ;;
+if [[ ${_PYTHON_ECLASS_INHERITED} ]]; then
+	die 'python-r1 suite eclasses can not be used with python.eclass.'
+if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_IMPLS_R1} ]]; then
+# All supported Python implementations, most preferred last.
+	pypy3
+	python2_7
+	python3_6 python3_7 python3_8
+# Set to a non-empty value in order to make eclass tolerate (ignore)
+# unknown implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT.
+# This is intended to be set by the user when using ebuilds that may
+# have unknown (newer) implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT. The assumption
+# is that the ebuilds are intended to be used within multiple contexts
+# which can involve revisions of this eclass that support a different
+# set of Python implementations.
+# @FUNCTION: _python_impl_supported
+# @USAGE: <impl>
+# Check whether the implementation <impl> (PYTHON_COMPAT-form)
+# is still supported.
+# Returns 0 if the implementation is valid and supported. If it is
+# unsupported, returns 1 -- and the caller should ignore the entry.
+# If it is invalid, dies with an appopriate error messages.
+_python_impl_supported() {
+	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+	[[ ${#} -eq 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes exactly 1 argument (impl)."
+	local impl=${1}
+	# keep in sync with _PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS!
+	# (not using that list because inline patterns shall be faster)
+	case "${impl}" in
+		python2_7|python3_[678]|pypy3)
+			return 0
+			;;
+		jython2_7|pypy|pypy1_[89]|pypy2_0|python2_[56]|python3_[12345])
+			return 1
+			;;
+		*)
+			[[ ${PYTHON_COMPAT_NO_STRICT} ]] && return 1
+			die "Invalid implementation in PYTHON_COMPAT: ${impl}"
+	esac
diff --git a/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass b/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
index aacee5ac35a..28df410d5a1 100644
--- a/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
+++ b/eclass/python-utils-r1.eclass
@@ -32,62 +32,7 @@ fi
 if [[ ! ${_PYTHON_UTILS_R1} ]]; then
 [[ ${EAPI} == 5 ]] && inherit eutils multilib
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-# All supported Python implementations, most preferred last.
-	pypy3
-	python2_7
-	python3_6 python3_7 python3_8
-# Set to a non-empty value in order to make eclass tolerate (ignore)
-# unknown implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT.
-# This is intended to be set by the user when using ebuilds that may
-# have unknown (newer) implementations in PYTHON_COMPAT. The assumption
-# is that the ebuilds are intended to be used within multiple contexts
-# which can involve revisions of this eclass that support a different
-# set of Python implementations.
-# @FUNCTION: _python_impl_supported
-# @USAGE: <impl>
-# Check whether the implementation <impl> (PYTHON_COMPAT-form)
-# is still supported.
-# Returns 0 if the implementation is valid and supported. If it is
-# unsupported, returns 1 -- and the caller should ignore the entry.
-# If it is invalid, dies with an appopriate error messages.
-_python_impl_supported() {
-	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
-	[[ ${#} -eq 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes exactly 1 argument (impl)."
-	local impl=${1}
-	# keep in sync with _PYTHON_ALL_IMPLS!
-	# (not using that list because inline patterns shall be faster)
-	case "${impl}" in
-		python2_7|python3_[678]|pypy3)
-			return 0
-			;;
-		jython2_7|pypy|pypy1_[89]|pypy2_0|python2_[56]|python3_[12345])
-			return 1
-			;;
-		*)
-			[[ ${PYTHON_COMPAT_NO_STRICT} ]] && return 1
-			die "Invalid implementation in PYTHON_COMPAT: ${impl}"
-	esac
+inherit toolchain-funcs python-impls-r1
 # @FUNCTION: _python_set_impls

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