Hello, I'll be removing myself from (proxy-)maintainer of www-plugins/passff and www-plugins/passff-host as firefox as been more and more of a pain to deal with.
For example today I ended up discovering that firefox-68.3.0 bundles Python 2.7.9 at ${S}/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/_virtualenvs/init/bin/python2.7 which triggered my blob remover that I use to make sure it is actually built from sources. (not sure if I should file a gentoo bug on this one btw) They have few bugs, one being solvable by a version bump which should fix it. Feel free to ping me on IRC (nick: lanodan) or email for questions about the packaging. Should also be noted that www-plugins/passff could simply go away as Mozilla plans to remove sideloaded extensions for Firefox 73.0[1]. 1: https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2019/10/31/firefox-to-discontinue-sideloaded-extensions/