On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 3:14 PM Ralph Seichter <gen...@seichter.de> wrote:
> I followed the PHP team's recommendation, as can be seen from the PR
> conversation and from the underlying Bugzilla report. While I respect
> Michał Górny's opinion, I understand that he does not have a deciding
> vote in this case.

He said as much himself in his comment - he wasn't acting on behalf of
QA or anything like that.

My guess is that both of these requests are probably just waiting for
a maintainer/etc to do something, which is probably a typical
situation.  I'm not sure which projects typically let
proxy-maintainers directly commit vs wanting to do it themselves.  I
don't think mgorny's feedback is going to hold anything up except to
the degree that others on the appropriate team happen to agree, but if
that were the case I'd expect them to just change the commit


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