
I'm not going to open that bug, read all these related mailing list discussions or waste time on whatever!

Instead, I think it's important some of you read this message:

I hope that you choose to stand still for some time, or even sit or lie down for once. Take a deep breath and count to ten, then think about what the goal of Gentoo is and what your goal in this context is.

Don't let these goals confuse others into random directions, but make it clear to yourself and everyone what they are. And with those thoughts, as well as second guesses; decide what you really want to do with it, for yourself and for others...

Live your life; live it together <3

P.S: Not responding to you in particular, I'm spending my last time to collectively answer multiple threads from now and history

On 3/20/2018 1:17 PM, Michael Palimaka wrote:
I see that in bug #650964[1] Council is pushing forward again with
implementing user whitelisting on this mailing list (ie. anyone that is
not "approved" will have their mail rejected).

Could someone please explain how this doesn't directly contradict the
core tenets of an open and inclusive community?

1: https://bugs.gentoo.org/650964

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